The Ten Animal Crossing Villagers You Should Have On Your Island 🏝️

*insert Real Housewives meme* THAT’S MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Haha but seriously, there’s hundreds of villagers that I’m sure would be lovely on your island. These ten villagers just happen to be the ones that live on my island, so of course, I’m bias. 😎

I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to finally talk about all of my villagers! Some of them have been with since the New Leaf days. 🥲 Anyways, let’s get cracking!

1. Kid Cat

My partner in crime, my right hand man! This guy is, without a doubt, my best friend. The funniest thing of all is that he’s my least favorite “villager type” — jock!

Oh, and since we’re talking about villager types, I need to clear the air: I don’t care to have one of each type! I’m aware that different villager types can you give you certain DIY’s, but truthfully, I just pick villagers based on aesthetics and how well they mesh with me and everyone on the island aka they must pass a vibe check. 😅

Okay, back to Kid Cat! I’m not sure what it is, but his presence is so comforting to me. Sure, he rants about sports way too much and is always talking about his workouts (I couldn’t tell you one thing he does), but he’s so funny, caring, and pretty freakin cool. I mean, look at him!! He wears a helmet for crying out loud. So, if you’re ever in the market for a new jock villager, I biasly (new word!), HIGHLY recommend Kid Cat.

2. Dobie

GRANDPA!! Now, I don’t know every single villager, but I feel like there’s truly no one like Dobie (a cranky wolf villager). For starters, he’s like 80 years old. I don’t know this for a fact, but he sure acts like it. He also kind of looks like it (sorry Dobie, you’re still so cute).

Having Dobie on your island is like having a wise, old man who is constantly giving advice about how you should slow down and smells the roses, or mums, or hyacinths (so many flowers on this damn island 🤣). I’m sure some of you out there might not like that, but for those of you who like a little reminder every once in a while to live in the moment (the irony that this game is), then Dobie is the grandpa villager for you. Oh yeah, I call Dobie grandpa. You can too if you have him on your island! 😉

3. Lucky

Lucky duck (or I guess Lucky dog?!) This photo was from October 2020! I thought it’d be cute to dress up as Lucky, our very own Halloween/mummy villager. 🎃

Yes, Lucky is as strange as he appears. He’s a lazy dog villager and some of our conversations have been about dreams, clowns, ghosts, and conspiracy theories. I mean, that’s pretty fitting if you ask me. His house also happens to be a graveyard…. yeah. 🫡 But the big questions is…. is he actually a mummy? Or is he just wrapped in bandages because he’s always getting hurt? Lucky is one giant mystery and we love that around here. Keeps us on our toes!

If you want a little sprinkle of Halloween all year round, then Lucky is the villager for you! Bonus: he’s also a MAJOR foodie!! I’m talking like, everything reminds him of food. 😅

4. Fauna

Sweet Fauna. 🥰 Fauna is a normal deer villager and it’s just a plain fact that you could never be annoyed with her. I guess it doesn’t hurt that she also happens to be the most adorable looking deer ever! (Deers do have that innocent look about them) I know she’s pretty popular amongst the Animal Crossing community, which means that there are also some haters! Look, I like a little strangeness and chaos ( i.e. see the previous villagers 🙃), but having Fauna on your island is like having a calm ocean with gentle waves.

Feel like everyone isn’t making any sense? Talk to Fauna. Having a rough day? Talk to Fauna (or Dobie). You want to have company but don’t feel like saying much and just want to sit in peace?! GO HANG OUT WITH FAUNA!! Just go get Fauna on your island and thank me later. 🙂

5. Lolly

It’s Lolly pop! 🤗 Okay, I’ll admit…. she’s definitely one of those villagers that I didn’t know existed but once I did, I HAD to have her on my island. I don’t remember who I kicked out, but I guess it doesn’t really matter.

Lolly is the loveliest little cat! Cats are some of my favorite animals, so having one cat villager just wasn’t enough. With her pink ears and adorable squiggly smile, Lolly was impossible to resist! Like Fauna, Lolly is also a normal type. Yes, they are very similar, but…. I just love them too damn much!! If you’re one of those that like having every type of villager, I would definitely choose between these two. I can’t tell you which one to pick (and I could never do that), but I guess you can pick based on whether you want a deer or cat! Luckily for me, that’s not an issue I have to deal with. 😇

6. Marlo

“I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse” 🤌🏻

Did you ever think the day would come when Animal Crossing would create a villager that happens to be a crime boss– oh, um, I mean LOOKS like a crime boss. Looks, haha. 🤐 Marlo is a cranky hamster villager who’s always seen either reading a book, or analyzing every single thing on this island. He’s also one of the few villagers that just happens to be very wealthy. He has an aluminum briefcase full of money, and drives a luxury car…. do I need to say more!?

As a villager, Marlo is awesome and writes the kindest letters. 🙂 We definitely don’t question what he does, or how he’s acquired it. Nope, never questioned it (we always do). If you want a villager straight out of a Godfather film, look no further than Marlo!

7. Ione

Okay… maybe, MAYBE I went a little bit crazy with the normal villagers. But why did Animal Crossing have to create an adorable, blue squirrel with a tail that looks like the night sky and GLOWS at night. I’m sorry, GLOWS AT NIGHT!?!?!? If there’s any reason to have Ione on your island, it literally this: she glows at night.

But yeah, if you haven’t been able to tell by now, Ione is a normal squirrel villager who aesthetically, might be one of my favorite villagers ever! So obviously, I had to have her on my island. That’s THREE normal villagers. 😅 Did I ask for this? No. Will I be replacing one of my normal villagers with a different type? Also no. I can’t, I won’t! I’ll be honest, the dialogue amongst these three can get a little stale (a little is an understatement), but that’s the price I’m willing to pay. 😆

P.s. How cool is her little gaming setup!?!?

8. Cephalobot

Ceph is truly one of a kind. I refuse to say that he’s an ACTUAL octopus. He’s more like a robot that was designed as an octopus. Basically, I have a smug robotic octopus living on my island. 🤗 If you think about it, this might actually not be too far from what real life will look like soon (scary) BUT if they’re anything like Cephalobot, we might be in good hands!

Ceph is a funny, happy-go-lucky dude. I think he might be one of the funniest (and strangest) villagers on my island. In fact, take a look at this letter he sent me two days ago:

Prognosticator 🧐……I’m convinced Cepahlobot is from the future. It really makes sense if you think about it. 🤖

9. Sasha

My wholesome Sasha. He’s a lazy rabbit villager who sees the world through a childlike lens (his house is full of stuffed animals 🥰) and I LOVE that about him!

He truly is everyone’s best friend on this island. He’s someone that seems to be into a little bit of everything: cute stuff, fashion, skateboarding, board games, food…. I mean the list goes on and on! 😂 He’s definitely someone you’d go to when you need a little sunshine in your life. SUNSHINE!!! That’s exactly what Sasha is. ☀️

10. Ketchup

It’s itty bitty Ketchup time! 🍅 Y’all….. other than Ione, Ketchup was the other villager that when I saw for the first time, I ran to get her. Not walked, but RAN! 🏃🏻‍♀️(and by ran I meant went on eBay and bought her amiibo 🤭) I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always been obsessed with food names. And to top it all off, Ketchup also looks like a tomato!?!? TOMATO KETCHUP. I think her name alone is reason enough to have her on your island.

She doesn’t just look absolutely adorable, she is! Ketchup is a peppy duck villager whose favorite thing is to make up little songs and sing them. She’s convinced that she’s going to be a pop star, and good for her! I wholeheartedly support her dreams. She’s also really into food; She has a brick oven and a smoker in her house. 😋 How much more convincing do you need!?

Well, there you have it: the ten villagers you should have on your island! Let me know if you’ll be getting anyone or maybe you have one, or two, or three of these villagers already!? I’m always curious to see what villagers everyone has on their island. 😚

❣️ Other posts to check out ❣️

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