First Time Playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure on the Switch!

I can’t believe I can finally play HK Island Adventure……. while laying in bed! πŸ˜†(this may or may not be the reason why the switch is my favorite gaming console) I’m also so happy that a) no subscription (like it originally was on Apple Arcade) and b) they have a deluxe version so any exclusive items are already available to you! I did some digging around the internet and apparently, you must complete the first three main quests before all of the items show up in your inventory? πŸ€” Hmmm…

Anyways, here’s a little rundown of my first thirty minutes or so of playing HK Island Adventure!

Hi HK πŸ‘‹πŸ»πŸ₯° Why, yes, I am awake! I’m not much of a plane sleeper πŸ™

After you get introduced to Hello Kitty, this is where you can pick which animal you want to be, as well as customize your appearance! I’m picking the same as my first time. I love being a pink bird! 🐦 🌸

If you want to be a cute little birb (not a typo!πŸ˜‰) just like me, I included photos of the whole customization process.

Hair 🀭
Eyes πŸ‘€
Pattern/hairline? πŸ˜†
Hair color ☺️

Outfit time!

Pretty limited for the time being, so I went with this blue tank and purple plaid pants.

I got to chatting with a couple of my new friends on the plane. I truly love this banter between Kuromi, Badtz, and Keroppi. The dialogue in this game is quite cute and funny!


So after you go back to your seat, Hello Kitty will offer you some cake and…. this is when things get a little crazy. Basically, everyone has to jump out of the plane with just a couple of balloons. Also…. cakes on a plane (🍰 🐍 πŸ˜‚)….. I love this game.

Everyone lands safely but half of the crew seems to be missing! Guess they’ve all landed in different areas of the island.

Meanwhile, My Mels is giving me the rundown on one of the main objectives in this game: gift giving! Giving gifts not only boots you friendship levels with everyone, but in return, they give you a gift which can range from a bunch of different items. These items can be used for so many things, like crafting recipes.

Huh! Seems like we got a very quick but mysterious visit from a hologram named… TOPHAT!?

My Melody’s Small Gift Big Smile store. 😊 How CUTE are the items for sale today. It changes each day!

So your phone is pretty much where you have access to everything (kind of like the real world haha).

How lovely, you even get a little weather update. πŸ€—

First quest! Give everyone their welcome gifts from My Melody.

Everyone on the island currently….

I have Hello Kitty her gift, and she gave me…. tofu!? πŸ₯΄ Haha, luckily this will come in handy because there is someone on this island who’s all about fitness and health….


Tuxedosam’s clothing shop! Like My Melody’s shop, the clothing available to purchase each day changes.

Collecting any item I see! You never know what you might need to craft. πŸ˜™

Of course his gift from My Mels was veggie bread! You will be getting plenty of tofu from me in the future, my friend. πŸ˜„

Aw, how cool! Also, why am I practically kissing Chococat. 🀣 Ever heard of some personal space, Ali JEEZ!

First quest completed! βœ”οΈ

Hmmm… I wonder who it could be!? Perhaps a flying dog. πŸ˜‡

Lastly, I officially got my camera from Pochacco and will begin taking photos with every Gudetama 🍳 on the island! This is one of my favorite things about this game. I cannot wait to show you all of my Gudetama πŸ₯š pics!

Here’s the very first one πŸ“Έ:

Ahhhh, I still can get over the fact that I’m playing this game (again)!!!!!! There’s definitely a few things I remember, but there’s also a ton that I forgot or will slowly make its way back to my memory as I continue playing the game! 😬

❣️ Other posts to check out ❣️

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