Planet of the Apes 🐵 (ACNH Halloween – Day 20)

If you’ve never seen the original Planet of the Apes movie, stop reading this and go watch it!! (if you have Hulu, it’s on there) It’s really an amazing and thought provoking movie… I mean, duh, that’s why there’s like 489384 sequels, as well as the remakes which are also excellent movies! I will acknowledge the 2001 movie with Mark Wahlberg. I have yet to see it but I have a feeling you can skip that one. 😅

We are now thousands of light years away from Earth. We’ve hardly aged, but it’s so jarring to think that everything and everyone we once knew no longer exists. 😵‍💫

Just making sure the control panel is working properly and can takeover the spaceship, as I’ll soon be asleep for a very long time, along with the rest of the crew.

I wonder what Earth is like now. Would it be too hopeful of me to think that humans are advanced enough to resolve conflict without violence and superiority?

Hmm… we truly are just tiny specks in an infinite universe. 💭

As the movie goes, the spaceship ends up crashing in a lake on an unknown planet. Once on land, the crew discover that the planet is full of plant life and fresh water! They start to notice that there are humans but…. primitive humans. Very reminiscent of cavemen. Then, they see apes who appear to be… armed!? Who also walk upright and wear clothes and….. talk. 😳

Unfortunately, I got shot in the throat when the apes captured me (don’t worry I’ll be fine), but I cannot speak 🙁

These apes think I’m like the humans on their planet!! I can speak just like you, I’m not from here!! Ugh, this is hopeless.

Yes, how convenient that Taylor (the lead and only surviving crew member) cannot speak for the first half of the movie. The apes think he’s just like the other non-intelligent humans on their planet. In this planet, apes are the dominant species. It’s basically like the world today except the roles are reversed. 😆

Eventually, Taylor is able to speak and, of course, all of the apes are perplexed by this. Taylor tells them everything he knows and where he came from. Some apes need more convincing than others…..

Two apes (Cornelius and Zira) who actually believe Taylor, have the idea to take him back to where his spaceship crashed, called the Forbidden Zone, because there also happens to be a cave with evidence that could prove that a different intelligent civilization once inhabited the planet!


This talking doll is just one of the many artifacts they find in the cave. The apes who refused to believe Taylor eventually admit that they’ve always known about this cave and the “secrets” of the past it contains: an ancient HUMAN civilization.

Taylor is deep inside the rabbit hole and wants to know more, but is warned that he probably won’t like the answers. He is eager to finally be free from the apes and makes him way towards the beach, on a horse. 🐴 🤠

Is that….. the Statue of Liberty?!? Why would the Statue of Liberty be— 😨

It’s slowly starting to sink in 🫠

This planet was Earth all along…. just 2,006 years into the future. How could this have happened….how…..

AHHH, too good! I think this movie is definitely one of my faves ever. Also, I failed to mention in my intro, but this movie is originally based on a book! *adds to “books I must read” list* 🙂

I hope they never stop making these movies!