Welcome, welcome! Onto the last two rooms. Upstairs is my music room!! With pretty much every instrument I could find.

Don’t ask me what my favorite instrument is because I really couldn’t tell you. I did say the sitar was my favorite in New Leaf…. okay, maybe the harp? The street piano is also so pretty to look at 😍

I love the drums as well!! I play guitar in real life (inconsistently lol), but I always thought it would be so cool to play the drums! Also, how cute are these Sanrio posters!

Happy little chap! The Timpani drums and marimba are fun instruments to play 😇
Now, if we just make our way downstairs, below the main room, we reach the final room… why, it’s a laboratory of course!

Science experiments, research, lots of sleepless nights…. we do everything here!

I ❤️ dinosaurs 🤓

I’ve yet to find a subject for my experiments. No one wants to volunteer. I wonder why…..

I still haven’t figured out if this object inside the science pod is from another planet, or possibly possessed by some entity? I’ll get back to you on that!

Don’t mind me! Just watching an old space program on tv. For some reason, these old TV’s with VCRs are so comforting to me. I’m guessing it’s nostalgia 😅
Fun fact: these last two rooms are the ones that I also have in my house in New Leaf! What can I say….. I love music and science.

And that concludes my house tour in New Horizons! That was fun. Feel free to stop by anytime 🙂
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