Category: Hello Kitty Island Adventure
First Gate Open! 🌟 (and some friendship quests)
Hi! 🤗 I need to be totally honest — I’ve been SO overwhelmed by this game. I love it and I’m so excited to be playing it, but I had forgotten how many quests you have to complete each day. I kind of feel like a chicken with its head cut off. 😅 I’m also…
First Time Playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure on the Switch!
I can’t believe I can finally play HK Island Adventure……. while laying in bed! 😆(this may or may not be the reason why the switch is my favorite gaming console) I’m also so happy that a) no subscription (like it originally was on Apple Arcade) and b) they have a deluxe version so any exclusive…
Surprise! My Blog Is Officially an Animal Crossing AND Hello Kitty Blog
And these two have so much in common! (I might be the common denominator 😆) Here’s a long backstory on how I came to this decision: (it’s been a long time coming!) I knew around the time I started this blog (September), that I would eventually add a Hello Kitty section. Back in the summer,…