Five Animal Crossing Villagers That Didn’t Make The Cut 🫣

Let me just start off by saying….  I don’t hate any of these villagers. In fact, I still love them! If you have one of them, you’re lucky 🥰 (Except Pietro, but you will learn why in a bit) Also, let’s be real; We all kick (or try to haha) villagers out once we see an another super cute or cool villager we never knew existed. I’ve done this so many times that I can’t even keep track! I do wonder if there’s anyone out there with their original villagers from when they first started playing New Horizons. Is that even possible? If you are reading this and you are that person, please, PLEASE leave a comment. 😂

Okay, onto the list!

1. Judy

I know what you’re probably thinking… JUDY!? How can anyone get rid of Judy!? To be honest, I don’t remember exactly why I got rid of her. Ninety-eight percent of the time when get rid of a villager, it’s because I wanted another one. However….. I kind of didn’t love Judy that much? If you read my last post, I mentioned how I mostly pick villagers based on how they look (yes, I’m SHALLOW), and while that works sometimes, other times it feels like something is so off with them that it doesn’t even matter how cute they are (hmm, it’s as if this also happens in the real world 😅).

Judy is the prettiest bear and has an interesting personality (she’s a snooty type!), but I felt like she did not belong on my island. Sorry, not sorry!

I will say, she’s pretty funny. I miss her unhinged moments, like this one! She was singing in the plaza with an eye mask on. No one paid attention and just kept walking by. For a moment, I felt like I was in NYC. 😵‍💫

2. Petri

Gosh, when Petri first moved to my island, I was elated! A doctor? On Seafoam!? Amazing. 👏🏻 Turns out, she wouldn’t help me even I was bleeding on the side of the road.

Okay, I kid. Obviously, if a doctor isn’t working, why would they still doctor? 🤣 I still love Petri, but aside from her cool appearance, I just really loved the items in her house. I went to her house all of the time, hoping she would offer me the… hmmm, I don’t know, the science pod? Eventually, I obtained all of the items and made my own cool secret science basement. 👩🏻‍🔬 She was still a cool villager, but as always, I wanted other villagers and she unfortunately didn’t make the list (or made the list?). I would totally recommend her as your primary doctor (she’s my doctor in my HHP hospital!) but maybe not as a neighbor, unless you want her items too. 😜

3. Billy

Awkward….. and no, I didn’t hit Billy with my net on purpose!!! I was trying to catch a cherry blossom petal. 😭

There’s nothing really wrong with Billy…. other than he’s a jock (I can only tolerate one jock and that’s Kid Cat), and we’ve just had too many awkward moments to continue living on an island together. Once you’ve had several awkward moments, you really can’t go back.

I’m sorry but he’s just not giving anything. He’s not that fun to look at (he’s the least interesting to look at! 😂) and kind of boring. There I said it!!! Harsh, I know, but this is how I feel. I’m sure he’s amazing to someone else. 🤣 How about we give him a redeeming quality? Hmm… he has a cool name! I really do think Billy is a cool name. 🎶 Billy Jean, is not my lover 🎶

4. Pango

Oh Pango, Pango…. this is one hurts a little. 💔 Pango and I go all the way back. She was pretty much my best friend since New Leaf. We hung out together, sent each other letters and gifts, celebrated each others birthdays. *sigh*

*plays sad violin* 🎻

I’m not sure how this happened but we just grew apart. ☹️ The hangouts and letters stopped. Something felt different. Eventually, it was our birthday month (our birthdays are only 4 days apart!) and…. she was a no show at my birthday party. Heck, she was the one that would throw me a party each year! I think that’s when I realized we really weren’t as close anymore. Not long after, she decided to move (or I kicked her out? I don’t remember, probably the latter 😌) and we did say our goodbyes, but it didn’t feel like we resolved anything. Enough time has passed since then, so maybe I should invite her over at the Roost. It would be great to see her!

My apologies, I didn’t mean to get all emo! I hope this didn’t make you too sad. 🙃

To end on a happy note, here’s Pango playing the ukulele! She’s pretty good.

5. Pietro

Here’s someone who I certainly do not miss at all. If you’ve made it this far, congratulations, you’ve earned this scolding hot tea! 🍵 🤣 (FYI, yes this is kind of dramatic but Pietro is a clown (I might be one too) so what do you expect)

For the record, me and Pietro had some good times. He’s fun and funny looking (again, clown 🤡), but it was only a matter of time until his true character would finally come out! He was only on my island for a couple of months and he was outta there quicker than you can say…. well, what he said.

Backstory: It was mid November, the holidays were right around the corner, and I was so excited to finally purchase my first holiday item from Nook’s Cranny! It was a yule log. 🥰 Anyways, after I purchase my little yule log, I’m walking back home when I notice Pietro running towards me, looking so excited. I was excited to see him too! He then asked about my yule log…. he asked if he could have it. I politely declined and didn’t think much of it, but then he had to say this to me:

huh wait I’m sorry WHAT!??! 

Was that really necessary? First of all, his YELLING?? But also, why are you even mad to begin with? Get your own damn yule log. BETTER THAN YOURS!?!?!?

I think this was the first time a villager left me speechless. I know in past games, they were a bit more harsh, but….. I don’t know, I really didn’t like his response. He could have said something similar in a joking kind of way, like everyone else does!

Well, what happened then? I think Pietro forgot who he was talking to. He forgot that I basically work with Tom and Isabelle….. he forgot that I can bring AND kick villagers out. 😈

Yup…. he was in boxes within an hour. 😏 I still to this day don’t remember how I was able to kick him out so quick. I think we had a visitor on the campsite and coincidentally, they chose Pietro as the villager to ask if they can move. Guess I had the Animal Crossing Gods on my side that day.

And that concludes the five villagers that just didn’t make the cut! I would totally be down to hang out with any of them (expect Pietro), but I’m okay with not having them as neighbors anymore. After all, distance makes the heart grow fonder. 💕😝

❣️ Other posts to check out ❣️

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