Activating Mailboxes (finally!), Visitor Cabins, and Befriending Nuls 🥧

Well, I thought Monday’s post was long….. this is my longest post yet! I have a feeling I’ll be saying this more often than I think. 😅 I definitely accomplished a lot today and finally, FINALLY I don’t have to walk/run/die going back and forth from different locations. Thank you Cinnamoroll. 🙌🏻 Let’s begin!

Starting the day off right

The day began with Keroppi making me an offer I definitely knew I was going to refuse.

Um, absolutely NOT! But thanks for the offer Keroppi. 😆 (maybe one day, who knows)

Before tackling on some quests, I like to start the day by doing two things — giving everyone their gifts, and collecting materials around the island! Does anyone else feel like you can’t do anything else until you do these two things?!

When I stopped by the clothing shop to give Tuxedosam his gift, I obviously had to check out the inventory for the day. Hot pink wicked wings!? Yes please!!! (it was also the only thing I was able to buy 😂)

Anyways, back to collecting!

I really love these balloons. 🎈😊

The best quest yet!

I finally began the “Delivery Service” quest aka mailbox teleporting!! You first have to talk to Kuromi, who will ask you to deliver a pumpkin to My Melody.

My Melody then asked me if I can deliver a plant to Kuromi. If I wasn’t in the middle of completing this quest, I would have lost my mind.


Cinnamoroll speeds…. I like the sound of that!

Awesome! So all you have to do is pick the location (as long as the mailbox is activated there), and bob’s your uncle!

Wow, teleportation via mailbox is neat.

Amazing! Now I was on a mission to activate as many mailboxes as I could.

The sound of a mailbox being activated is so satisfying!

I then randomly decided I wanted to switch up my outfit. I still don’t have a ton of options, but I decided to rock these Sky Jeans and this pretty cool top! It’s called Chococat’s Vacation Top. 😜

Oh, and can’t forget the wings. 🤗 I’ve got wings baby, I can teleport now!

Nature Preserve

After being reminded a bajillion times (I need to remember to turn off the progress thingy 😬), I finally headed back to the Spooky Swamp to continue working on the Nature Preserve quest! I still need to find a couple of more missing Critter Lists.

Seaside Critter List ✔️

Reef Critter List ✔️

Aaaand now we’ve come to a little road block! I need a snorkel. 🤿 I hope don’t need to complete too many quests in order to get a snorkel. 😅 (btw I didn’t get the snorkel today, maybe next time I play?)

Visitor Cabins

I really wanted to complete the quest that would allow me to finally participate in Events and/or buy event items, but when I went back to Seaside Resort and talked to My Melody, it turns out the “Make Yourself at Home” quest needs to be completed first! Okey dokey.

This is exciting! We can now get other visitors (Sanrio friends 🤗) as long as I have a cabin ready for them! ✨

You can check any requirements a visitor has. If you fulfill those requirements, the visitor will be more likely to visit! The more they visit and have their requirements met, the more likely they can move to the island permanently. 🙂

Dear Daniel is so low maintenance! Just three random pieces of furniture? *sigh* If only every visitor was like him. 😂

Oh and Mama’s apple pie! I have flour but no apples. If my memory serves me correct, I believe you can get apples on Kuromi’s side of the Spooky Swamp….


Yay! Now I can bake all the apple pie I desire (Mama’s apple pie is a great gift for HK as well 😉)

The cabin is ready for Mister Dear Daniel! Also, kind of weird that you can’t place the apple pie on top of the table? In the wise words of Keroppi, Aaaanways 😂

The Nuls come in peace

We can finally begin the “Meet the Island Beings” quest. Also, how glitchy do these screenshots look. If you notice, there’s a giant plant blocking our view, so I guess this weird, not- fully-transparent thing happened when I spoke to My Melody! 🤣

First order of business: pretend I work at Small Gift Big Smile, and try to sneakily take a photo of the Nul.

Was that sneaky enough? Eh, I got the photo, whatever! 😆

Next order of business: After talking to my Melody, she suggested we go talk to Badtz-Maru, who may know more about these funny green creatures who also happen to be the kindest, most helpful beings around.

I mean… maybe?

Last order of business: Let’s go find Keroppi!

Well then, I guess that’s settled. Now we have a bunch of extra hands helping us around the islands. No complaints!

This also means….

I get to finally buy special event items! 🥳 How cute is this Snake Tea Set!

Oh, and lastly….

What a fun way to get Lucky Envelopes. 😝 🧧

Gudetama Photos

Don’t die little egg. Oh wait, you’re just sleeping?!
Chopsticks for legs 🤭
How does it not feel light headed?

❣️ Other posts to check out ❣️

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