New Horizons House Tour – Outside & Main Room! 🌸 (part 1)

The time has finally come for my house tour in New Horizons! I absolutely love this house and every room in it. In fact, there might be a few rooms that look a little similar to my house in New Leaf ;).

As you can see in the first photo, not only is my house exterior pink, but all of my flowers are pink! I decided I wanted flowers around my house but ONLY in pink because……I’m extra. I’ve also started to slowly decorate for spooky season. I’m SO excited!

Flowers galore! I also have peach trees and a cute decoy duck (pretending it’s a real duck).

Lovely little hammock to relax in and of course, I have a telescope.

Let’s go in!


When creating this room, the vision I had in my head was: Sorcerer living in a rustic cabin who conducts seances, and creates potions and spells. Perhaps during the medieval times. I think I nailed it!

I love me a cauldron! It makes me giddy 🙃.

Candles are also very important for this vibe. I mean, I have the candles wallpaper for crying out loud.

This mirror may or may not be…. haunted?

The best thing about this whole room is probably the magic-circle flooring.

Brb, just gonna quickly summon an entity.

I still can’t get over that. I probably never will! Btw, this is my main room all year long, not even for spooky season 😅 I might add a few little touches here and there once October comes along 🎃. Did I mention how excited I am!!!

New Horizons House Tour (part 2)

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