Island of Misfit Toys 🧸 😵‍💫 (ACNH Christmas – Day 4)

IT’S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!! ❄️

It’s just a little sprinkle of snow, not the kind that sticks to the ground, but it’s officially the first snow of the holiday season!👏🏻 I can’t wait for the island to be covered by a blanket of snow…. soon. 😚

✨Christmas Outfit of the Day✨

This precious overall dress with a gingerbread cookie holding a candy cane. 🥹 I’m sorry, but could there be anything cuter!?!?! I’m also wearing a berry red beret, white flowery-dot tights, and brown pleather ankle boots!

Did I ever mention that we have an island mascot?! 🐢 Betsy the snapping turtle. She can be pretty snappy. 😐

I wonder what the island dolls are up to….. huh? “Misfit toys”. 🤔

Oh, of course!! Why am I not surprised. So back in October, the island dolls decided to create a business selling bulk candy, since Nook’s Cranny only sold one piece of candy each day (can’t knock the hustle). So now, in December, they decided to do the same, but with TOYS!

Hmmm… some of these toys look…. odd. 🤨 Maybe they’ll discount those toys. Is that a Nintendo switch lite!? 🫣

The irony of dolls (which are basically toys) selling toys. The dolls themselves are for sure a couple of misfits. 😆

Yes, it’s true. 😳

Btw, I love this song and the movie it’s from: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! The stop motion animated movie from 1964. 🙂 It’s one of my favorite Christmas movies!

Oh and speaking of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer…..

✨Throwback Christmas Post of the Day✨

This song is also from that movie! On this day, my outfit resembled a Christmas elf….it was only fitting. 😂 I guess the island dolls are also sort of like elves. 🤷🏻‍♀️

See you tomorrow!

🪁 Links to Custom Designs 🪀

Gingerbread overall dress:

Misfit Toys sign:

❄️ ACNH Christmas Day 5 ❄️

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